Observing Holy Week 2024

Join us for these holiest days of the Christian year. Together we will go in spirit up to Jerusalem with Jesus to suffer and die with him that we might also rise with him to new life.
Palm Sunday - Sunday of the Passion, March 24
8am & 10:30am** Holy Eucharist
Celebrate Jesus' triumphal procession into Jerusalem then follow him through the story of the Passion
Holy Monday - Labyrinth Walk, March 25, 7:30pm
Still your heart and mind for Holy Week with the ancient spiritual practice of sacred, prayerful walking on the candlelit labyrinth in Pierson Hall, below the church.
Holy Wednesday, March 27
Holy Eucharist in the chapel
7pm - at St. Bede's Episcopal Church
Service of Tenebrae
The service of Tenebrae (Latin for "shadows") is an adaptation of an ancient monastic liturgy featuring the haunting beauty of spoken psalms and laments while candlelight is slowly extinguished. At St. Bede's Episcopal Church, 3590 Grand View Blvd., LA
Maundy Thursday, March 28, 7:30pm**
This deeply moving service commemorates the Last Supper, with the washing of the feet for those who feel so called. After the holy meal the church darkens, the altar is stripped bare, and in silence all depart the church or join an optional hour of vigil meditation in the chapel. All are invited to bring cut flowers for the Altar of Repose.
Good Friday, March 29
12 Noon**
The death of our Savior on Good Friday is observed with the veneration of the cross, recitation of the solemn collects and administration of Holy Communion from reserved sacrament.
We honor the moments from Jesus' trial through his crucifixion and death by walking the Stations of the Cross in church and then commemorating Jesus' burial.
**Service will be live-streamed on YouTube
Click here for Easter services
Image: "Washing the Feet" by He Qi
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