Spiritual Practices for Lent
Between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week we are invited, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word. Here are some options to consider adopting as part of your Lenten walk. Clergy are available (by appointment) throughout Lent for consultation, confession and/or reflection on your journey through the season.
Midweek Worship & Prayer at St. A's
- Wednesday mornings, Eucharist, 8:30 - 9am
- 2nd & 4th Thursdays, Centering Prayer & Contemplation, 7 - 8pm
Classes at St. A's
- Sunday Forums in Lent: A Living Faith, 9:20 -10:10am
- Wednesdays (morning), Bible Study, on Zoom 9:30 - 10:30am
- Wednesdays (evenings) in Lent, Difficult Words of Jesus, on Zoom, 7 - 8p
Booklets (in Narthex - church lobby)
- Lent - Daily Reflections
Prayer, Meditations, & Reflections Online
- Pray the Office - Morning, Noonday & Evening Prayer, and Compline (website)
- Pray As You Go - Daily meditations on scripture (website & mobile app)
- Brother Lend A Word - Daily email meditations
- Journey to the Cross - A 5-step daily devotional: pause, listen, think, pray, go (website)
- Lent Madness - learn about Saints and vote for favorites daily online (website). Watch for St A's daily picks on our Facebook & Instagram feeds!
Tags: Spirituality / Worship / Adult Classes / Midweek Worship