Art & Spirituality of St. A's Windows
Sunday Forums - Aug. 28 & Sep 1 - 9:20 to 10:10am
Join Rev. Katie for a two part series touring our stunning stained glass windows. Ours are strikingly unconventional in how they combine to celebrate God's living presence among us today - ex: the window with the operating table! Each week focuses on a different set of windowsAugust 28 - Discovering the Three "Great" Windows
- Jesus
- Fire of the Holy Spirit
- St. Augustine
September 1 - Theology & Imagery of the Aisle Windows
- Matthew - Preach
- Mark - Teach
- Luke - Heal
- John - Baptize
Meet inside the church.
Tags: Adult Classes / First-time visitors / Spirituality / Worship / History of St. A's